Friday, October 5, 2012

What sort of a vegan blog would this be without...

The food post :)

Yup, like all vegans, I enjoy taking bad pictures of homemade food. Vegans/vegetarians on the whole seem to love food a lot more than the non vegan population, and for good reason! Veganism is often seen as such a restrictive diet, on the contrary, it's really opened my palate to so many great foods! It exposes you up to all of the nicest food from all over the world. When you're watching some program me about weird food on the Discovery Channel do you go "Ewww!" when they bust out the salad or the monkey brain? Enough said! 

Wherever you are, you know vegan food will be good, and with all of the meat substitutes these days you really don't have to change much if you don't want to.

Anyway, last night was one of those nights I was expecting to be fed, so didn't have a meal planned. That turned out not to be the case so I peered into the fridge. Half a head of broccoli, cold rice from last night, a few mushrooms left in the box and a block of tofu met my gaze.

About fifteen minutes later it had turned into this:


Rice Vinegar (tablespoon)
Mirin (tablespoon)
Soy sauce (tablespoon)
Sesame/Vegetable oil (teaspoon)
Sugar (teaspoon)
Garlic (1 or 2 cloves)

I put the broccoli on to steam, chopped some tofu and crushed up some garlic. In a large frying pan I put a little vegetable and sesame oil on a medium heat, immediately I added the other sauce ingredients (excluding garlic) and stirred until it started to simmer. I then added the garlic, simmered for a minute little longer and reduce the heat.

I poured the sauce into a new sauce-pan set to a low heat, put the frying pan back on the heat and added the tofu into the frying pan, this way as it cooks it mops up the delicious savory flavor from the sauce! About now the broccoli was done steaming, so I added it to the pan with the sauce I also added last night's cold rice to the mix and gave it a good stir!

The tofu was coming on nicely so I added the mushrooms. I cooked for a further 4 or 5 minutes until the mushrooms and tofu were cooked though.

I put the broccoli and rice on a plate and then topped with the mushrooms and tofu. 

Moments later I was being a typical nerdy vegan photographing my food.

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