Monday, May 27, 2013

Humans are animals

Do you know where meat comes from? It came from an animal who did not want to die. We can survive healthily as vegans, so the only justification left for eating meat is pleasure, ease, convenience. It's like shooting everyone in line at the grocery store because you don't want to wait to checkout.

Humans are animals, we have a nervous system, four limbs, a heart, blood, bone and skin just like cows, pigs, dogs, cats, chickens, horses, raccoons, dear and bears. There is very little difference to how we experience life, it's different shades of the same color. We all seek food, shelter, mates, feel fear and pleasure. 

Other animals are capable of being selfless, showing compassion, laying down their lives, just ask anyone who shares their life with a dog. However, I doubt there are many dogs considering the merits of veganism. As humans we take the prize for cranial capacity. We realize the suffering we cause and use that same intelligence to rationalize it and completely block it from our thoughts.

What strikes me as odd is that I know many people who would claim that killing a person is wrong, but have no problems with either killing, or paying for animals to be killed for their consumption. These same people know that animals can feel, just like us, don't want to die, just like us, form strong peer bonds, just like us, and shit themselves as the go into be slaughtered.

But it's ok, because they're not humans?

Are we just psychopathic as a species? 

Killing is killing. Just because it's legal, industrialized, happening in a factory far far away, keeping someone you know in employment, given a sanitized face of a pig licking her lips and giving a thumbs the smell of her dead flesh wafts out from the kitchen, does not mean it's ok.

Please see what is happening, what's being hid from you by grinning clowns and happy kings. Funny how that's how the companies present themselves rather than with a cow taking a bolt to the head, bleeding out, then being torn in half by a saw. Why? Because the truth is revolting. 

If we think killing is wrong, if we think suffering is wrong, we need to go vegan, we need to stay vegan and we need to help others see the truth.

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